What is a Landrace Dog Breed?
To begin with, what is a dog breed? We often answer this question with a list of breeds recognized by an organization such as the AKC. ...

The Challenges of an LGD Breed as a Companion Dog
I often see folks suggesting one of the livestock guardian dog breeds or LGDs to people who want a companion dog for their suburban...

Preserving the Essential Traits and Behaviors of Livestock Guardian Dogs
Kangal Dogs belong to the larger group of LGDs or livestock guardian dogs. As long time owners and board officers of the Kangal Dog Club...

How to React to a Working Livestock Guardian Dog
Livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) are one of the most effective means of predator control. This very old method of protecting sheep, goats,...

Raising Livestock Guardian Puppies
It is common to receive conflicting advice on how to raise a full time working LGD. There are slightly different ways to introduce a LGD...