Jan Dohner
Miller, Pat. Problems Associated with Adopting Two Puppies at the Same Time.
Stallings, Jeff. Littermate Syndrome.
Livestock Guardian Dogs
Learning About LGDs - Facebook group
Reliable advice and a files section with articles from experienced members
Predator Friendly Ranching Blog
Louise Liebenberg
"Warning Signs, Play Behaviour, Hunting Sequences and the Young LGD"
Cows/Calves and of course the Sarplaninac dogs"
"The Dilemma of “Hands On or Hands Off” Raising"
"Puppy Talk and How it Relates to Livestock-Guardian Dogs"
"Livestock Guardian Dogs and Poultry"
Anna Abney
Online library of articles by experienced LGD users
Livestock Guardian Dog Education Network
LGD Informational Links and Articles
Cat Urbigkit
Essays, blog posts, and Wolf Watch news
Sheepfields - Diane Spisak
Breeders of Working Health Tested LGDs -
Facebook group
Learning About LGDs YouTube channel
Great Pyrenees Club of America - LGD
Contact person and listed breeders
Herding Dogs
The American Herding Breed Association
American Tending Breeds Association
Australian Shepherd Club of America
Canadian Border Collie Association
International Sheepdog Society
United States Border Collie Handler's Association
Mother Earth Magazine -
Articles and Posts
Podcasts and Streaming Programs
Animal Predators
Guides for Home, Recreation, Farm, and Ranch
Predator Control for Sustainable and Organic Livestock Production. ATTRA Publication #IP196. 2002.
Gese, Eric M. Lines of Defense: Coping with Predators in the Rocky Mountain Region.
A Rancher’s and Farmer’s Guide to Keeping Livestock Safe from Mountain Lions. Felidaefund.org
Lance, Nathan, Steve Primm, and Kristine Inman. Wolves on the Landscape: A Hands-on Resource Guide to Reduce Depredations.
Living in Bear Country: Guidelines for Protecting people, Property and Bears. Defenders of Wildlife.
Living with Predators Resource Guides. Living with Wildlife Federation.
Stone, Suzanne Asha. Livestock and Wolves; A Guide to Nonlethal Tools and Methods to Reduce Conflicts. Defenders of Wildlife.
Texas Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board. Predator Control as a Tool in Wildlife Management.
Predator Management for Small and Backyard Poultry Flocks, 2014
Poultry Predator Identification: A Guide to Tracks and Sign.