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Jan Dohner
Tools for LGD Owners
LGD Signs
Official. commercial, and homemade -
Copyright by owner

LGD Informational Letter
Sample letter for neighbors, animal control, etc
by Natalie Thurman
Jump gates
Use to create rest areas, access to dog food, access between fields

Invisible Fencing
Used to improve or reinforce physical fence only.
Wire can be mounted with zip-ties on existing fence, buried under gates/drives
Can be used to keep LGDs out of certain areas
No need to boundary train as physical fence already exists.
Buy extra wire in bulk, UV coated for longer lifespan.
Sport Dog 100 acre model recommended by many LGD owners. (I have no relationship/endorsement with company).
Electric Dog Fence DIY
How to layout, install, and troubleshoot.
"What is the Best System for LGDs?"
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